ubhanallah: Trees grow in the middle of the Pandeglang Labuan Highway, a sign of the end of time


The anguish of the trees growing on the Pandeglan highway, Labuan, Sodong market, Sindanghayu village, Saketi Pandeglang-Banten district, became the spotlight of the residents who came to see it! Thursday (9/12//2021).
With a tree in the middle of the road and red plastic, it doesn't just happen like a miracle like in the movies we often see."

all of this was done by us as local residents and participated in anticipating accidents, especially two-wheeled vehicles because the potholes were so deep on the edge of the white line that having trees installed in holes became a warning for motorists from both Labuan and Pandeglang directions. indonesia

I hope that this phenomenon will become a direct concern for the relevant agencies, both regional and provincial governments, so that repairs to damaged and potholed roads are immediately carried out for the convenience of motorists so that no more victims fall due to potholes, especially at night. . he said"

residents of Sodong market, Sindanghayu village, Saketi sub-district, Pandeglang Regency (9/12//2021))


Falling on the asphalt is not as beautiful as falling in love


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